The General Assembly of the much-awaited Bio-LUSH project took place on November 23rd and 24th, 2023, in the impressive city of Bologna, Italy. The assembly, which was held at the IMA, brought together a wide range of partners dedicated to advancing the value-adding of sustainable biomass and the production of high-quality fibers.
November 23, 2023 – Leading the Bio-LUSH project, Aji Mathew, gave a thoughtful introduction and informed attendees of recent advancements.
The heart of the day unfolded as partners shared their progress. From SU’s meticulous project management to EMPA and Paperplat’s innovative biomass valorization techniques, the agenda covered a spectrum of research activities. VTT welcomed a new team member, while FCBA delved into the value chain of fiber production. IVL initiated a data delivery format workshop, strengthening sustainability and business assessments. Inosens took the stage to discuss dissemination, communication, and exploitation strategies, emphasizing the comprehensive “Full version of Dissemination, Exploitation, and Communication Plan.”
Spinnova updated the assembly on scaling up the spinning process, IMA provided valuable feedback on edible packaging using industrial equipment, and Xylem reported progress on environmentally friendly cellulose fiber bleaching. Unilever, ABEn, and other partners showcased their crucial contributions, underscoring the collaborative spirit driving Bio-LUSH.
The day concluded with a dedicated planning session for each Work Package (WP). Partners engaged in a dynamic 60-minute breakout session, setting the stage for efficient collaboration in the upcoming months.

The second day began with a forward-looking agenda. Partners presented their activity plans for the next 12 months, providing a glimpse into the future trajectory of the Bio-LUSH project. Each WP received a concise 10-minute slot, outlining their objectives and strategies.
The assembly turned towards planning and information sharing, covering critical aspects such as time reporting, Data Management Plans (DMP), dissemination, exploitation, upcoming deliverables, and scheduling future General Assembly meetings.
As a unique highlight, participants had the opportunity to visit IMA’s facilities, gaining firsthand insights into the industrial processes crucial for the project. The day concluded with questions, comments, and an air of anticipation for the impactful journey ahead.
The Bio-LUSH General Assembly 2023 is an example of collaborative innovation in action, when partners from various backgrounds come together to share a shared goal. The collaborative efforts shown in Bologna will surely have a lasting impact on the field of environmental sustainability and technical growth as the project moves toward sustainable biomaterials and fiber advances.