Nettle and Seagrass: Exploring Europe’s Underexplored Biomass Feedstocks with Bio-LUSH

In Europe, nettle was cultivated from the 19th century until the Second World War and had a long history as a fibre plant. On the other hand, based on scientific […]
Validating Sustainability and Safety: The Key to a Circular Biofibrous Future

Did you know that it takes 10,000 litres of water to produce one kilogram of cotton? On the other hand, making one kilogram of biofibre from hemp requires 757 litres […]
Scalable and Sustainable Fiber Extraction: A Step Towards CO2 Capture

According to the International Energy Agency, the average person produces about 4.7 tons of CO2 emissions per year. That’s equivalent to driving a car for 12,000 miles! In this blog, […]
Revolutionizing Europe’s Biofibrous Economy: The Bio-LUSH Mission

The circular economy is like a library, where books are borrowed and returned, instead of being thrown away. As the world develops new technologies and processes, from the circular economy, […]
Green Biomass Conversion: Achieving Sustainability Objectives at Bio-LUSH

Biomass is at the core of the bioeconomy and the key societal challenges it addresses. Respecting the benefits of nature and our planet Earth, the project Bio-LUSH strives to achieve […]